Ensuring Accurate Measurement

With SmartBroom 3 you can see the live measurements from the force sensor array, and tare the zero-point directly from the iOS app.

After connecting, tap on the device name, shown at the top of the screen. This will bring you to the device details and settings screen.

What to Expect?

With SmartBroom 3, you can expect:

  • Measurement sensitivity: ≤ 100g

  • Measurement accuracy: error ≤ 1% @FS-120kg (max); ≤ 0.5% @FS-120kg (typical)

A zero-point within ±0.3kg is great. The SmartBroom itself weighs 400g, so anything less falls within a reasonable margin of error.

Checking force measurement

The ‘Live force’ row shows the SmartBroom’s current reading, and updates in real time once per second. To confirm your SmartBroom is measuring accurately, you can use a scale or other force-measuring device to compare measurements.

Updating the zero-point

A true zero is critical for accurate force measurement. It is expected that some shift in the zero point will occur over the lifetime of your SmartBroom, and can also occur when the ambient temperature changes. The Tare function adjusts the zero point to compensate for this shift.

Before collecting data, confirm that the device measures ~0 when unloaded. If it doesn’t, use the ‘Tare (set zero)’ button to update the zero point. This manual tare will save the new zero point to the device, and will persist across power-cycles.


With SmartBroom firmware version 2.1.0 and later, your device will auto-tare the zero point any time a stable measurement is detected for at least 5 seconds. Holding the SmartBroom off the ice occasionally will trigger an auto-tare without you needing to think about it. While this typically removes the need to manually tare the SmartBroom, it is good practice to confirm the zero point occasionally.

Auto-tares are not saved permanently, meaning the zero point will reset to the most recent manual tare (or the factory calibrated zero) after a power-cycle.

LED colours

The SmartBroom’s sleep/wake button will glow various colours to indicate device state.

While no USB cable is connected:

  • Gently ‘breathing’ white: SmartBroom is broadcasting, waiting for an app to connect

  • Solid blue: SmartBroom is connected to an app

  • Flashing blue: SmartBroom is actively collecting sweep data

While a powered USB cable is connected:

  • Flashing red: SmartBroom battery is charging (0-90%)

  • Flashing green: SmartBroom battery is charging (90-100%)

  • Solid green: SmartBroom battery is fully charged